Atomic Habits by James Clear

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samuelthomasdavies - Atomic Habits by James Clear Book Summary:

Aggregate Marginal Improvement

Everyone has the same goal. The difference is the process that they have.

“1% gains when aggregated add up to very significant results in the long-run.” - Atomic Habits by James Clear

Decision Fatigue

The more decisions you make, then the less will power and motivation you will have. You’re brain is like a muscle, the more you use it then the less capable it becomes. So, Simplify focus on what’s important.

Designing for Laziness

Make it more difficult to take bad actions and make it easier to make good decisions.

The the default/lazy action should be designed to be good for you. If you really want to take the bad option, you can but it will require more effort.

“If you’re trying to fight the environment you live and work in all the time, its going to be very difficult to stick with the things that are important to you.

TODO: Review key topics of found in this video Reference How to Trick Your Brain to Like Doing Hard Things – Atomic Habits by James Clear
