Elon Musk

Acronyms hinder progress. Elon Musk made an email detailing that Acronyms hinder progress because it is less intuitive and more difficult for people to learn. Common acronyms used in the industry such as GPS, CPU, etc. are allowed. But for new company acronyms, Elon Musk must personally approve.

Rules hinder progress, then fight the rules. In politics, politicians are affraid to change rules because if something bad happens there are consequences. If something good happens then there really isn’t any prize. The environment should promote progress.

When Working with Elon musk. If something is not working its better to figure out how to resolve it and all the details before talking to him rather than telling him there’s an issue immediately.

Tesla went decided not to make hybrids because they would be competing versus all the other auto manufacturers with more resources.

They decided to go all electric because that is the end goal. Hybrids are just for transition period into all electric.
