Rat Race

Overcoming The Rat Race Mentality - Why So Many Of Us Wish Our Life Away

It always seems like were after something and when we get it we always ask what’s next?

“Everything is always always in service for the next thing. We exist in a society that is almost entirely preparatory for the future… Kindergarten is for elementary, elementary is for middle school, middle for high, high for college, college for your career, then there are levels in your career.”

Eventually you’ll hit a deadened and just can’t wait to retire.

In the end you will be reflecting and wondering what it was all for. In the end you’ll only have a small portion of the pie left to enjoy. You’ll be wondering how did you miss all the rest of the enjoyment.

Progress is great. Trying new things, evolving, and working toward new goals are all great. But when it gets to the point where it prevents us from ever being able to appreciate that this moment right now, is also great, perhaps you've gone too far. This moment is meaningful. It is a beautiful and profound achievement in it of itself. And it is worth appreciating because at the end you don’t get one big full pie at the end of life. You eat it all along the way.

The Rat Race Explained - Life’s Financial Trap ———————————-

The Rat Race Explained - Life’s Financial Trap


TO identify if you’re in a rat race:

  1. Is there an end in sight?
  2. Is your career and life in general characterized by competition?
  3. Is your career and life in general characterized by comparison?


Do you have alternatives that can make you income? To get out of the rat race (your job that is a rat race) you need a way to make income in another way.

A good way is to increase the amount of time you spend on passions and explore ways to make income by doing what you love to do.

Exiting the Rat Race

To leave the rat race determine what are needs and luxuries.

To stop depending on your day job, you may have to drop luxuries you do not need. By lowering your income need it will be easier to leave your day job.

Happiness is not a future goal. It is to be achieved now.
