
Learn and make changes to improve your situation.

Re-Creating Yourself

The people at the top recreate themselves

Instagram Post - Recreating Yourself

THe people at the top recreate themselves very regularly. The speed between 3 different people.

… I watched all my peers and asked my self who’s changing most often.

  1. You meet Johnny 1 year from now, 2 years from now, 3 years from now. 4 years form now, 5 years form now. Hes the same person. Guess what, things are going to be the same. No problem. Life is going to be the same. If life is hard its going to be hard. Also as you grow old your market value will go lower.

  2. the middle one recreates themselves once a year. or every other year. Typically they recreate themselves because of a crisis, they are forced to change. They got fire, they got heart break, something happens. They have to change or else something bad will happen. After they recreate themselves and they see meeting results, they go back to their shitty old habits. Every 2 - 5 years they are forced to recreate.

  3. The third group every 3 - 6 months you don’t see them. You don’t recognize them. They are talking about a whole different thing. MInd is on a different thing, they are working on a whole different project. So you’re like man I cant catchup to this guy because they recreate themselves more often.

Change what you’re doing to change where you’re going

“Change what you’re doing, to change where you’re going”

If you want to achieve different results, reach new heights, or even just change the direction of your life, you sometimes must be willing to make changes to your current actions and behaviors. We can’t always expect to get different results by doing the same things we’ve always done.

Let’s explore the importance of breaking away from our current loop and embracing change in order to move towards a better future.

The Loop: Understanding Our Patterns and Habits

Our daily lives are often filled with routines, patterns, and habits. These repetitive behaviors form a loop that keeps us locked into our current trajectory. While some of these habits may be beneficial, others could be holding us back from achieving our goals or realizing our full potential.

To change where we’re going, we must first identify the habits and actions that are keeping us stuck in our current loop. This requires self-awareness, reflection, and the courage to confront our own shortcomings.

Breaking the Loop: Embracing Change

Once we’ve identified the behaviors that need to change, it’s time to take action. This can be challenging, as it often requires stepping out of our comfort zone and facing the unknown. However, embracing change is an essential part of personal growth and progress.

Here are some strategies to help you break the loop and pivot towards success:


Changing what you’re doing to change where you’re going can be a daunting process. It requires effort, persistence, and a willingness to step outside your comfort zone. Remember, the path to success is rarely a straight line. It’s a journey filled with twists and turns, but with determination and the right mindset, you can make meaningful progress towards your goals and create the life you’ve always envisioned.

Illustration credit: GoLimitLesss & Shane Parrish



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