Personal Website

Personal websites are a good way to showcase your work and are a great differentiator between you and other job candidates.

The goal of the personal website is provide more information about you that isn’t captured on your resume. On your resume you may list that you’ve volunteered somewhere or worked on a project. On your website you can have more detailed information, pictures, and video about the event or project that you worked on.

Note a Personal Website can also be referred to as a Online Portfolio or a Project Showcase Website.

Creating a Personal Website Options

  1. Creating a personal website with some drag and drop website such as wix Pros: + Easiest setup to get going. + Templates available + Things will just work + Most likely optimized for mobile and different screen sizes Cons: - You most likely have to use their provided hosting services - Have to pay to remove their company logos
  2. Create a website with a html/css template (preferred) Pros: + You could learn html and css (it should be straight forward) + You have full control of how things are displayed. You could make custom stuff. + Most likely optimized for mobile and different screen sizes Cons: - It’s not as easy as drag and drop and depending on your familiarity with html/css/javascript and website directory (folder structure) it may be more difficult to get it to look how you want it to. - You have to figure out what you’ll use as a hosting service. This shouldn’t be difficult.
  3. Create a website from scratch. If you’re in some programming field, you could show off your skills using React or Angular. But, if you can’t make it look really good, I suggest using a template. A website that is not pleasing/amazing will turn off recruiters. Pros: + You get to struggle and learn how to make a website from scratch Cons: - Time consuming - May not look so good in the end - You’ll have to optimize for mobile and different screen sizes on your own.

Hosting a Website

TODO: add link on how to host a website page

Hosting services:
