

Microsoft word

Use tables to get teh exact formatting you want. Then just make the tables invisible.


In Microsoft word, to view invisible table boarders:

  1. Click on Table Design

  2. Click on boarders

  3. Click on View GridLines

  4. The invisible boarders should now be visible as gray dashed lines.

Resume Mission Statement

Stephen’s personal:

I can do it. I’ll work hard, search, and learn how to do it then suggest improvements. Innovation-driven computer science major specializing in software/application development and project engineering with interests in entrepreneurship, application development, artificial intelligence.

Given Resume Feedback

These are my thoughts regarding and others may have a different opinion. There really is no right or wrong as different recruiters will have different perceptions about the same thing.

I like that everything fits on one page.

I like the section headers, then sub headers, then details. It makes it easy to get an overview and understand the info.

I like the information present.

I think your resume should be flipped

  1. Work experience
  2. Projects
  3. Skills

For the skills section, I think it would be beneficial to also put Microsoft office suite & SQL

For the projects titles, I think you should give the project a cool name to refer to or a name that’s human understandable rather than the technology used. The technology used is already in the description.

If the projects are available online like in GitHub, you can definitely link them.

I think projects section should have dates you worked in the projects.

I think the dates are kind of lost with the headers maybe explore trying to separate them out to the right side in a column (this is my personal preference, idk if others like this)

If you have a university email I would suggest using that because it is more professional.

I think the LinkedIn url is a bit long.

Your name at the top can be much bigger to be eye catching.

At the top you can add a professional summary to include what you’re passionate about and interested in. Who are you? Make it easier for others to know what to think of you.

This is what I have as a summary, idk if its the best: “I can do it. I’ll work hard, search, learn how to do it, and then suggest improvements. I’m an innovation-driven computer science major specializing in software/application development and project engineering with interests in entrepreneurship, application development, and artificial intelligence.“

These are just my opinions, feel free to disregard. I hope the perspective helps.
